A New Day, Another Year, Yet His Mercy Remains the Same

“The LORD’s love never ends; his mercies never stop. They are new every morning; LORD, your loyalty is great.” – Lamentations 3:22-23
Mercy is a word that we do not hear very often. I was never taught what it is meant to show mercy to others. If we are lucky, a person will hear a sermon preached about mercy, especially about the mercy of God from their pastor. Lamentations 3:22-23 says that God’s mercy is new every morning. When we wake up, it is another day that God shows mercy to people even if they are a Christian or not. This promise of God’s is very encouraging for people who are sinners. Ephesians 2:4-5 best illustrates how sinners are shown mercy by God:
“But God’s mercy is great, and He loved us very much. Though we were spiritually dead because of the things we did against God, he gave us new life with Christ. You have been saved by God’s grace.”
This kind of mercy He shows to everyone is very great. God showed it by sacrificing His own son as the penalty for our sins. As people wake up and celebrate this new year, they can view it as a blessing since it is another "new" day that God gives them as a way to show them His mercy.
As for God’s unending love, it is like none other. John 15:13 states it pretty well by saying:
“The greatest love a person can show is to die for his friends.” – Jesus did just that and it was done as God’s plan to save humanity from their sins. Praise God for His great love and mercy!
Prayer of the day:
Dear merciful Father,
We thank You for being merciful to us. You showed it by sending Jesus to save us from the penalty of our sins. Since we are sinners, we deserve the punishment of sin which is separation from You. But You are rich in mercy and give us many chances to change and be saved. It is by Your grace alone that we can spend forever in heaven with You because of Jesus. Thank you for each new day that You grant us and pray that You help us to live each day in honor of Your great mercy. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!