Devotionals The Seriousness of Idolatry “I am the Lord. That is my name. I will not give my glory to another; I will not let idols take the praise that should be Mine.” - Isaiah 42:8 When we worship or think anything is higher than God, we are making it an idol. If we
Devotionals Does God Get Mad? “The LORD doesn’t become angry quickly, but He has great love. He forgives sin and law breaking. But the LORD never forgets to punish guilty people. When parents sin, He will also punish their children, their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren, and their great-great-grandchildren.” - Numbers 14:18 The Bible says
Devotionals What to Expect as a Christian “My friends, do not be surprised at the terrible trouble which now comes to test you. Do not think that something strange is happening to you. But be happy that you are sharing in Christ’s sufferings so that you will be happy and full of joy when Christ comes
Devotionals Biblical Characteristics of Love “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices
Devotionals God the Master Plan Maker “I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the LORD. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.”- Jeremiah 29:11 God is the ultimate plan maker. He plans out our lives
Devotionals When We Struggle to Believe “Immediately the father cried out, ‘I do believe! Help me to believe more!’”-Mark 9:24 We are not alone when we struggle with doubt in what God can do. We struggle to believe that He can heal a sickness, pain, or provide for us with another job when we
Devotionals When We Struggle with Prayer “Also, the Spirit helps us with our weakness. We do not know how to pray as we should. But the Spirit himself speaks to God for us, even begs God for us with deep feelings that words cannot explain.”- Romans 8:26 How many times have you struggled with
Devotionals The Truth will Set You Free “Do not lie to each other. You have left your old sinful life and the things you did before. You have begun to live the new life, in which you are being made new and are becoming like the One who made you. This new life brings you the true
Devotionals What We do with Money Matters “Don’t store treasures for yourselves here on earth where moths and rust will destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. But store your treasures in heaven where they cannot be destroyed by moths or rust and where thieves cannot break in and steal them. Your heart
Devotionals Being Changed by the Blood of Jesus “How much more is done by the blood of Christ. He offered Himself through the eternal Spirit as a perfect sacrifice to God. His blood will make our consciences pure from useless acts so we may serve the living God.” - Hebrews 9:14 Do you remember what it was
Devotionals When Jesus Divides “Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against
Devotionals The Importance of Hanging Around Godly People “Happy are those who don’t listen to the wicked, who don’t go where sinners go, who don’t do what evil people do.” - Psalm 1:1 Who we hang around with can impact our actions, attitude, and our mood. The Bible tells us the people we hang
Devotionals When We Love Others with Our Actions “My children, we should love people not only with words and talk, but by our actions and true caring.”- 1 John 3:18 Anyone can say, “I love you,” or, “I will pray for you.” But, let’s be honest, how many times have you told someone that you
Devotionals The Hope Found in Apostle Paul’s Conversion “In Jerusalem Saul was still threatening the followers of the Lord by saying he would kill them. So, he went to the high priest and asked him to write letters to the synagogues in the city of Damascus. Then if Saul found any followers of Christ’s Way, men or
Devotionals Biblical Aspects About Aging “So, we do not give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day.”- 2 Corinthians 4:16 No one wants to get old, or feel or look like it, especially when society considers aging a negative thing. The
Devotionals Being a Friend or Foe of God “While we were God’s enemies, He made us His friends through the death of his Son. Surely, now that we are His friends, He will save us through his Son’s life.” - Romans 5:10 Have you ever had a person in your life that you felt like
Devotionals Our Daily Need for Repentance “John said, ‘Change your hearts and lives because the kingdom of heaven is near.’” – Matthew 3:2 Saying and feeling sorry can be very difficult, especially for humans because the Bible says that “a person’s mind is evil (Jeremiah 17:9).” Being sorry is what it takes for God
Devotionals One Sure Thing “For His own sake, the Lord won’t leave His people. Instead, He was pleased to make you His own people.” - 1 Samuel 12:22 One of the most important things to know as a Christian is when we are God’s people, nothing can separate us from His
Devotionals Why is Obedience So Hard? “The LORD God commanded him, ‘You may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat the fruit from the tree which gives the knowledge of good and evil. If you ever eat fruit from that tree, you will die!’” - Genesis 2:16-17 “When
Devotionals Do We have the Right to Judge Others? “Don’t judge others, or you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you. Why do you notice the little piece of dust in your friend’s eye, but you don’
Devotionals Being Set Free from the Bondage of Sin “We know that our old life died with Christ on the cross so that our sinful selves would have no power over us, and we would not be slaves to sin. Anyone who has died is made free from sin’s control.”- Romans 6:6-7 No one likes having
Devotionals What Do You Idolize? “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God,
Devotionals Our Place in the Church “You are like a building that was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Christ Jesus himself is the most important stone in that building, and that whole building is joined together in Christ. He makes it grow and become a holy temple in the Lord. And in
Devotionals Is It God’s Will or Mine? “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” - Romans 8:28 It is very hard for humans to know and completely understand what is best for them. We think that we have our
Devotionals The Importance of Having Government Leaders and Laws “All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment