
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing." - Matthew 24:44-46
Maturing as Christians is a process. Often, we come to faith only after spending many years living in sin. Many of us have struggled with addictions and chased after every pleasure we could. When we were saved, the consequences of those sins did not disappear, and many times we struggled with victory over the strongholds that held us captive. What we fail to recognize is that God is refining us for a purpose. He is removing all of our impurities and reforming us into useful vessels. He is calling us to something much greater.
I cannot count how many times I struggled with temptations and surrendered to them. I was addicted to pornography and no matter how hard I fought I would fall back into the old patterns. Each time, Satan would whisper that "You are a failure! There's no way God could ever love you. How could He ever use you? Just give up!" Thankfully, God saw the man that He would make me, and He knew my purpose. God never gave up on me, and He paid the greatest price for me. I am redeemed and I am Christ's servant called to His purpose. What I have done no longer determines my value or affects my calling. You too are called.
God loves His people and has a purpose for them. Let that sink in a moment. Do you believe that? Does that truth resonate with you? Regardless of how many times you have failed in life or how horrible your sins, God loves you and is calling you to serve Him. Look around you. It does not take long before you realize that our world is a mess. It seems like the whole world has gone crazy and is full of lost, hurting, and hopeless people. The good news is that you have the hope they need.
Jesus has given us salvation and the good news of the gospel for such a time as this. We may feel unworthy and incapable for such a calling, yet that simply means that we can surrender and allow His power to work through us. God does not call the prepared, but He prepares the called. The only thing we need is to be willing.
Isaiah was one of the greatest prophets. When he was called, he cried out “Woe is me! for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts (Isaiah 6:5).” Isaiah knew that he was a sinner, but God chose him. An angel flew out to touch Isaiah's lips with a burning coal from the altar and announced, “thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged (Isaiah 6:7).” Then when God asked, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Isaiah replied, “Here am I send me (Isaiah 6:8).” He felt unworthy, but he was willing. Isaiah was forgiven, he became faithful and obedient to the one who called, and His words remain today.
We have all sinned, but we have been redeemed for a purpose. We are surrounded by misery, and we have the hope and joy that our friends, family, and community needs. We do not have to go far to spread God's message of love. We do not even need to have the “right” words. We simply need to be listening and be faithful to the Spirit's leading. Every person you meet today is an opportunity to witness. It could be as simple as a smile and kind word, paying the shortage for the person ahead of you in a grocery store line, or taking time to listen to someone's pain. Opportunities are endless. You could bring Christ's love to nursing homes, prisons, schools or local food banks by volunteering your time and sharing your joy.
Jesus said, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest (John 4:35).” The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. Will you be like Isaiah and cry out, "Here am I! Send me." Be one of the faithful. God is calling you.