For the Love of the Animals

“Then shouldn’t I show concern for the great city Nineveh, which has more than one hundred twenty thousand people who do not know right from wrong, and many animals, too?” – Jonah 4:11
People love and care about their pets, and it does not matter what kind it is. Did you know that God also loves and cares about them (Psalm 104:21, Matthew 6:26)? In Jonah 4:11, God told Jonah that He did. He is the original designer of every animal that we love or are scared of and that roams the earth, swims in the ocean and flies in the sky (Genesis 2:19). Do you remember that God saved two of each animal in Genesis 6:20 and had Noah place them in the ark with his family during the flood? God did not destroy them since they mattered to Him. He did create them “good” and filled the earth with them in the beginning (Genesis 1:20-22).
God cares about the animals and put humans in charge of them (Genesis 1:26). From the beginning, it has been our responsibility to care for them as God does (Matthew 6:26). We take care of the animals including our pets by feeding and giving them water, taking them to an animal doctor, and grooming them if possible. If our animals are hurt, lost or trapped, it is our responsibility to help them (Luke 14:5).
We need to do what God commands in caring for the animals that He created since everything on earth is His including them. God reminds us of this in Psalm 50:10-11 when He says:
“Because every animal of the forest is already mine. The cattle on a thousand hills are mine. I know every bird on the mountains, and every living thing in the fields is mine.”
He created all animals for the use of mankind and expects people to respect and care for them (Genesis 1:28). We can do it since it is all done for God’s love for the animals!
Prayer of the day:
Dear heavenly Father,
Help us to be like You in caring for Your creation which includes animals. You care about them and also put humans in charge in caring for them. Please help us to do it since You commanded us to from the beginning. The scriptures show that You love and care about all of Your creation so please help us to do the same. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!