Living Sacrifices

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." - Romans 12:1-2
I saw a news story recently about a man’s morning drive to work. He was probably still groggy from sleep and contemplating his busy day ahead, until he smelled smoke and noticed flames coming from the roof of a family's home. He immediately pulled over and sprinted into action. After calling 911 and realizing that the fire department would never arrive on time, he pounded on the door, broke open the windows, and helped each family member escape certain death. The parents and two preteen children were all saved and suffered no injuries because the man sacrificed his time and risked his life.
We all have many cares and responsibilities in life. The kids may have their football, or baseball games, dance recitals, or theatrical performances that we must attend. Essential late-night business meetings, a shutdown at the chemical plant, or even the second job at the "big box" store that we had to take on have us overwhelmed and barely staying afloat. High inflation leaves us a little more in debt with each passing day. Life has us worn out with nothing left to give.
Each day the news covers wars and rumors of wars, historical floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, bomb cyclones, droughts, famines, and political unrest. We are each driving through life focused on our own concerns and may be too distracted to smell the smoke or to notice the flames. Many of us may be so caught up in our daily life that we have forgotten our calling and purpose. We are called to be "living sacrifices" that save lives and change the world.
American society appears to be growing increasingly hostile to biblical truth. We may be verbally or even physically attacked for professing Jesus Christ, or by failing to conform to the new social norms. Regardless of the cost, however, we must stand firm because the growing anger and hatred in society can only be overcome by the love of God. That is why it is vital for our character and lifestyle to be distinct from the culture. In an increasingly dark world, we are to let Jesus’ light shine to show others the way.
In almost every one of his epistles, the apostle Paul consistently implores us with the same message: be guided by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16), resist the desires of the flesh (Galatian 5:17), and do not be conformed to the thought patterns and standards of this world (Romans 12:2). He repeats himself often because it is very easy for humans to conform to cultural norms. He warns, urges, and even pleads because our mission as Christians is so vital.
Paul calls us to be living sacrifices. A sacrifice surrenders its will, comfort, and very life to benefit another. That is our purpose. The adversary (Satan) labors to distract us because we are dangerous (1 Peter 5:8). Jesus has called us His body, fills us with His Spirit, and asks us to sacrifice our will and desires in deference to His. Our lives are to reflect His love to this fallen world one moment at a time.
I have found that I must prioritize by beginning each day with prayer, Bible reading, and by seeking God's will for me. Jesus said that if anyone desires to save his life, he must lose it (Luke 9:24). That is not some theoretical or abstract ideal. It is a daily choice. I must choose today to put God first. His grace empowers us all to reject society's standards, to sacrifice our lives, and share His love with another. If we stop long enough, we can smell the smoke, see the flames, and reach out to those facing certain death. We can be the living sacrifice that leads others to safety.
Listen to the Spirit and let His love heal the lost and hurting around you. Your sacrifice will change the world.