Look More Like Jesus

“They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.” – John 17:16
God designed the chameleon as a master of camouflage. Its skin changes its color patterns to blend into its surrounding environments. When the chameleon wants to remain unseen, it hides in plain sight, blending into its environment with the help of its natural camouflage.
God's people are often too much like the chameleon. We can easily blend into the world and remain unrecognized as believers in Christ, intentionally or unintentionally. Jesus prayed for His disciples - those the Father gave Him "out of the world" who "obeyed" His word (John 17:6).
God the Son asked God the Father to protect and empower them to live in holiness and persevering joy after He left them (John 17:7-13). He said, "My prayer is not that you take them out of this world, but you protect them from the evil one" (John 17:15). Jesus knew His disciples needed to be made holy and set apart so they could live out the purpose He sent them to fulfill (John 17:16-19).
The Holy Spirit can help us turn from the temptation to become masters of camouflage who blend into the world. When we submit to Him daily, we can look more like Jesus. As we live in unity and love, He will draw others to Christ in all His glory. Ask yourself these questions: In what areas of your life can you ask God to make you more like Jesus? How has God used others to draw you closer because of the way they lived and loved like Jesus?
Prayer of the day:
Dear heavenly Father,
Help us to be more like Jesus. He went into the world to be among sinners. It needs Him since the people cannot save themselves. Give us the chance to be more like Jesus in this world. We want others to see and know Him by the things we do. So others can have the same hope as us. In Jesus’ name we humbly pray, Amen!
This devotional was written by Robert Jordan. Robert lives in Diboll, TX and has received an M.A. in Humanities.