
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. ... Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body." – 2 Corinthians 4:7,10
"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." – Psalm 90:12

As I was sitting at a traffic light one day, I saw a huge funeral procession. Car after car passed with glowing lights. It seemed to last forever. As the last car went by, I could not help but think, “That must have been one great person. I would feel blessed to have even half that many people at my funeral.”

Today's verses speak of our lives as treasures. I have heard someone once comment about the dates on a person’s headstone. He said that the beginning and ending years do not matter as much as the dash in between. So, I wondered, “how am I using my dash?” We each have a set number of days and each one is precious. I have no idea how long my dash is, but what is important is that I still have today! I asked myself, “if today is my very last day, how will I spend it?” Our dashes are a priceless currency that we choose how to spend daily.

In American culture, people are often measured by occupational and/or financial status. People identify as being doctors, lawyers, or professional athletes. Someone who has a million-dollar mansion, a Lamborghini, and a financial portfolio worth over a billion dollars is labeled a success! Yet regardless of what we have become or acquired; it is all meaningless. When I am dying, will I say that my most precious commodity was well spent, or would it be one big regret? Who would not trade all of their material wealth for just one more day with those they love? Too often we spend hours trying to provide for our families who actually desire nothing more than spending time with us. Social media steals time from those who need us most and could fill the void we are actually trying to fill. The legacy of our lives is not based on possessions or how many followers we have, but by who we have impacted with our love.

As Christians, we are called to operate as Jesus’ body in this world. We are to reflect His light in this dark world. Our lives have great worth because we have the greatest purpose. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. He loved us enough to die for our sins so He could show the world God’s love through what He did. Paul spoke of using either precious materials that will last: "gold, silver, precious stones," or those that won't: “wood, hay, stubble. Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. (1 Corinthians 3:12-13)” We can labor for successes and pleasures which pass away, or we can impact this world with treasures that will last.

We each have opportunities to make an impact starting with our families. Our children will either remember us fondly for the love and wisdom we have given them or yearn for what could have been if we had only taken the time. Nothing shows them how much we care more than simply being with them. Outside of the home it is easy to see that our world is full of the poor, broken, and hopeless. Every encounter with others is an opportunity to change someone's life for the better. Being friendly costs nothing and taking the time to listen is a gift that few people will give, but when we do, it reveals our love.

This world tells us all that no one cares and that we must all look out for ourselves, but Jesus has proven the world wrong. We are each highly valued and every one of our days is precious, because they are numbered, and we cannot get them back. We only have a limited amount to determine our legacy. If you spend them well, one day some poor businessman may be late to a meeting because of your funeral procession. He might wonder, "Who was this great person?" Your life will reveal that it was Jesus!