
“Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.” – Romans 8:26-29

Years ago, I was attending one of our weekly church services. My life was difficult, I felt defeated, and I was questioning God's love for me. On this occasion before the worship music began, Evelyn, the prison ministry volunteer testified that, "God loves you so much and He can do anything. You just need to ask Him." Being in a cynical mood, I thought, "If God can do anything, let the next song they play be ‘Bring the Rain’." This praise song by Mercy Me was years old at the time and was no longer even being played on the radio. How quickly my attitude changed as they not only played that song, but I experienced God's presence very strongly and I began to cry. At that moment, I knew that God loved me and cared about even my small requests.

You see, Evelyn had never played that song before and never played it again. A year later, I requested that she play "Bring the Rain" for me again and informed her of the miracle that God performed through her. So, I was amazed when Evelyn replied, "oh, I don't really know that song. We only played it that one time.

The message I received that day when God used Evelyn to touch my heart still resonates with me today. Regardless of the difficult circumstances I face, they do not change my identity as God's child. I know that God loves me. Although "rain", when used in the Bible, refers to God's blessings and the influence of the Holy Spirit, "Bring the Rain" uses rain as a metaphor for difficulty and hardships. The lyrics state:

Bring me joy, bring me peace and the chance to be free,
Bring me anything that gives you glory.
And I know there'll be days when this life brings me pain,
But if that's what it takes to praise you, Jesus bring the rain.

Today's text in Romans 8:26-29 teaches us that God uses every experience for our good. Each of us has character flaws and aspects of our fleshly nature which must be exposed and removed. Often, this process requires the fires of affliction. Malachi 3:3 states that the Messiah shall sit as a refiner and purifier. Therefore, God's fire in our lives is not a punishment but a reflection of His love. The Holy Spirit knows each of our infirmities and labors on our behalf to conform us to the image of Christ. Each of us has a calling and specific function as part of Christ's body. So, I have learned when times are tough that God is working on me. I have learned to question, "What is God trying to teach me through this?" Instead of focusing on the struggle, I turn my eyes to the Lord. Since I know that He loves me, I trust that everything will work out for my good.

The opening lyrics of "Bring the Rain” state that unbelievers often question their ability to praise God in bad circumstances. They see trials as proof of God's apathy or judgment. They cannot comprehend how to have joy and give thanks through every tragedy. In these situations, we can testify of God's love because we have witnessed the effect of God's rain time after time. Even if the "rain" feels uncomfortable, we see it for the blessing it is. Rain brings restoration to the dry lifeless fields. It reveals all of the seeds that have been sowed over the years from our daily Bible reading and spiritually anointed sermons at church, "...for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9). The harvest is coming, but first we need the rain.