The Beauty of the Song of Solomon

The Song of Solomon is the hardest book in the Bible to understand. There are many different interpretations and views on the book. Scholars and theologians are divided on whether it is a collection of unrelated love lyrics, a little drama, or a dramatic lyrical dialogue of love. Some believe the book represents the love of Christ has for His church. Others view the book as a protest against marital infidelity because Solomon, with his many wives, tries to woo a young Shulamite maiden. She refused his advances because she loved another man.

It is also speculated that the book was written by King Solomon to his first of many wives before he got involved in polygamy. The book refers to Solomon by name in seven different verses (Song 1:1, 1:5, 3:7, 3:9, 3:11, 8:11, 8:12). No matter how it is interpreted or who wrote it, it can be appreciated by people who like poetry, love, or nature.

The book surely shows a heavenly imagery of how God intended love and sex to be like in the beginning before the fall of humanity. The theme of desire and delight illustrates that love and sex are not inherently evil but illustrates the beauty of love and sex between a man and a woman when it is in a biblical covenant of marriage.

In the beginning God created everything “good” including sex and love. Intimacy is good and holy and is a gift from God for a couple’s enjoyment. Originally, the Song was written to convey these themes and does ultimately point to Christ. We should not be afraid to read the Song as an expression and affirmation of the goodness of love and sex within a holy marriage.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

The Song of Solomon is a beautiful book. It shows the beauty of love either love between a husband and his wife or Christ and His church. No matter how it is interpreted, thank you for letting us learn more about it. Faithful love is important to You, therefore, we want to love others the way Christ loves them. Please help us to do it too. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!