The Gift of Life

“You made my whole being, you formed me in my mother’s body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother’s body. When I was put together there, you saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old.” – Psalm 139:13-16

God created us and gave us life. He gave us life by forming our bodies in our mother’s womb. That is why we are made in an amazing and wonderful way. The words from the Psalm of David are very hard to comprehend. It is hard to comprehend what God does, but it makes what He does so amazing because He has a personal hand in how people are made. Plus, He has a person’s life planned out from the first day they were born. What a gift that God gives — this gift of life.

The gift of life that God gives us on earth is short. The Psalmist in Psalm 90:10 says that if we are lucky, we may live to be seventy or eighty. If we live longer, it is only by God’s grace since He numbers the days of our lives and plans out each day of our life before we were born (Job 14:5, Psalm 139:16). One day we will lose this life because of sin (Romans 6:23). However, we have an opportunity to receive a second gift of life.

The second gift of life is also given to us by God (Romans 6:23). This life is given to us by nothing we do or by the results of our own efforts, so we cannot brag (Ephesians 2:8-9). It is a free gift from God and is given to us by what Jesus did (Romans 6:23). Jesus gives eternal life to all who believe that He died for their sins. As a result, we can receive eternal life, a gift of life that lasts forever.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

You give us life. Life on earth is short and we are not promised tomorrow or to live a long life. You do promise eternal life in Christ. He is the only way for us to receive a second live that lasts forever. Thank you for giving us the gift of life now and forever. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!