The Healing Power of the Holy Spirit

“You know about Jesus from Nazareth, that God gave him the Holy Spirit and power. You know how Jesus went everywhere doing good and healing those who were ruled by the devil, because God was with him.” - Acts 10:38
When Jesus was alive, God gave Him great power through the Holy Spirit to know what people were thinking, to do miracles, and to raise people from the dead. He also had the power to heal people who suffered from all types of illnesses. He helped the blind to see, the crippled to walk, healed a woman who had been bleeding for a long time and healed many others (Matthew 15:30). The Bible is full of examples of Jesus’ healing power given by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is not physically here with us on earth anymore, but the Holy Spirit is and still at work in the world today. God uses His Spirit to heal the sick like He did for Jesus. We see the Holy Spirit’s work in medical doctors by providing them with wisdom to treat sick patients. God’s Spirit heals people who suffer from addictions with recovery groups and therapy. God also gives people wisdom from the Holy Spirit to create prosthetic limbs to help people to walk and write again. What about women who struggle to get pregnant? God helps them to have a baby with specialized doctors.
We need to remember God may not heal us in the way we think He should. God may let us go through sicknesses and pain to bring Him glory, to keep us humble, or to test our faith. He let the apostle Paul suffer some type of health issue to keep him humble (2 Corinthians 12:7). God also let Job suffer from horrible skin sores to test his faith (Job 2:7). No matter what God allows to happen, all we can do is to trust Him because we know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him. They are the people He called because that was His plan (Romans 8:28).
Prayer of the day:
Dear heavenly Father,
You are a powerful healer. You heal so many people who are hurt and broken. Because of You we can have babies, walk, see, and be free from drugs, alcohol, or the love of money. We need Your healing power until the day we die. In Your word it says we will have troubles, but Jesus is bigger than our pain and suffering. Please give us strength to get through our sicknesses so we can still praise You. You are worthy to be praised! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!