The Power of the Gospel Message

You may have been asked, “Why should I go to church, what is the big deal?” When someone asks me, I usually say something like this.
Think of it like this. If I was your neighbor and my house was on fire and you knew I was home, would you do your best to warn me to get out before it was too late?
God is real and so is Satan, and so are heaven and hell. God will judge all of us and He gives us our entire life to get right before the final judgment which will determine our fate. Those that obey His will will spend eternity in heaven but those that do not will spend eternity in hell.
Your salvation is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. If you could save yourself, Christ would not have had to die. Salvation from God is a gift, but there are people who will reject God’s gracious gift and die in their sin.
The Bible is the key to understanding God’s plan of salvation that is available to everyone. He did not create the world to see it perish. We also read and study the Bible to know God and His character. It contains historical evidence that God is good throughout all generations, and He does nothing unjust or unrighteous.
When you see saved people going to church, they are doing it to worship God for what He has done. The gospel is preached every Sunday because lost souls are welcome to come and hear the good news. That is what the word gospel means "good news” of salvation so they can be saved too.
There is more to the question “why should I go to church”, but that is the central point of it.
Prayer of the day:
Dear Father in heaven,
Please open our hearts to the gospel message and the ministry of it. Help us to see the truth and your love through the Scriptures. Thank you for giving us the gift of eternal life in Christ. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
If you have any prayer requests, please fill out our prayer request form and we will be happy to pray for you.

This devotional was written by Pastor John Blouin. Pastor Blouin is the senior pastor of New Mount Zion in Houston, Texas and a board member of True Christian Magazine. He is married with four children and two grandchildren.