The Ultimate Betrayal and Reconciliation

Can you imagine knowing someone you know would betray you? Jesus knew He would be betrayed by most of His disciples. The well-known disciples were Peter and Judas. Peter would deny knowing Jesus not just once but three times (Luke 22:54-62, John 13:38). Jesus even told Peter beforehand that he would betray Him (Luke 22:61, John 13:38). Judas’ betrayal was the ultimate since he did it for money. Judas turned Jesus into the Jewish leaders and asked them, “What will you pay me for giving Jesus to you?” And they gave him thirty silver coins (Matthew 26:15).

We can learn from Judas that it does not pay to betray Jesus. His betrayal of Jesus led to his death (Matthew 27:5). We can easily do the same and suffer the same fate. That is why we need help from the Holy Spirit to keep us focused on Jesus and out of ungodly practices, especially in a world that is full of temptations. Everyone will be tempted by different worldly passions, but God is faithful. 1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us of God’s faithfulness not to permit us to be tempted more than what we can stand, but when we are tempted, He will provide a way for us to escape it.

Nevertheless, when we are betrayed or have hurt others by our betrayal, it is painful. It is painful for both parties. We have to turn to Jesus for comfort and reconciliation. He understands very well what it is like to be betrayed and can heal broken hearts and relationships that have been impacted. As Christians, we are called to work with Jesus to repair our broken relationships with others. The process could take confessing our sins and apologizing to the people we have hurt or for us to pray for people who have hurt us, so that they will do the same. When we do what is commanded of us, it can free us from bitterness and resentment and for us to fulfill the law of God.

Jesus teaches us about reconciliation between fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in Matthew 5:23-24. He says Christians should go and seek reconciliation with believers first if there is anything they have against each other before going to God and presenting Him with a gift. He receives no worship from a believer who is not on speaking terms with another.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

We learned a lot from Jesus’ betrayal but also a lot about reconciliation. We pray for people who have betrayed us. It is painful for what they have done. Please help us to have the courage to go to that person and seek reconciliation and forgiveness. We want to fulfill the law of God since it has the power to end the bitterness and resentment in our hearts. We also want to pray for people who we have betrayed so we can also begin the healing process of the pain we have caused. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!