There is Power in the Word of God

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right.”- 2 Timothy 3:16
A person’s life cannot be changed without God’s help. He provides people with help from His holy word the Bible. What is taught from the Bible and what a pastor preaches is very crucial in the life of someone who hears it. A person who hears it and listens to it can learn the right doctrine to help them fight against the false teachings from people who Satan uses to deceive them (Ephesians 6:17).
Knowing the word of God also helps people to know the truth about Jesus so they can tell others about Him, and what He did. That is very important in the life of a person who may have never heard about Jesus because Jesus is the only way for them to be saved from God’s judgment and eternal punishment (Acts 4:12).
Additionally, God uses Scripture to help instruct people on how to live, to correct unholy behaviors, and to equip them to answer someone who has a question about the Bible. We must be prepared to answer questions about our faith to anyone who asks by knowing what the Bible says and continue to believe everything that is written in it, not just certain parts that we want to. The Bible can be trusted and is true because the words in the Bible were written by men who were led by the Holy Spirit that spoke words from God (Revelation 21:5, 2 Peter 1:2).
Prayer of the day:
Dear heavenly Father,
You provide us with Your word in the Bible to instruct us. But far more important than an instruction guide, it talks about the importance of Jesus. He is the first and most important reason to learn the Holy Scriptures. It is there to help us recognize false doctrine. It is our weapon we use to fight against the devil so he cannot trick us. Please help us to stay focused on Your holy word. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!