What Seems Impossible is Possible with God

“I can do all things through Christ, because He gives me strength.” — Philippians 4:13

We cannot depend on our own ability to do things that are impossible. The impossible might be doing a twelve-page research paper in a month. How about when someone we love has cancer and the doctor says that they only have a limited time to live but are still alive three years later. I remember about eight years ago when my sister got bacterial meningitis and the doctors said that they did not know if she would survive. What made it possible for her to be alive today even after the bacterial meningitis spread to her brain? The answer is God. He made it possible for her to survive and to accomplish obstacles that seemed impossible, making the impossible – possible.

With the strength of Christ, we are able to make it through tough times, no matter what. Have you heard what Jesus said about living in the world in John 16:33,

“In this world you will have troubles but be brave! I have defeated the world.”

Jesus warns us about trials we will experience. Life will not be easy, but we do have help to get through it. He is our strength in our time of need. The Bible says all we have to do is, “call upon the Lord,” simply just ask Him for what we need (Romans 10:13). Prayer is the most effective way to communicate what we need to God. Prayer has power, especially when a believing person prays. Then great things will happen because of God who makes it possible (James 5:16).

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

Please hear our prayers. Our prayer is for You to do the impossible in our life. We will experience hard times due to living in a fallen world. But with Your power nothing is impossible. You healed the sick, created the world in six days and allowed a virgin to become pregnant. All these events were possible with You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!